INGREDIENTS for four people

(Make steamed rice , too!)

·400g hamburger (beef)
·1 cup water
·1 tbsp sugar
·4 tbsps soy sauce
·1 tbsp mirin (or white wine and sugar)

·3 eggs
·1 tbsp sugar

1. Fry hamburger in a pan.
2. After the color of humburger changes, add sugar, soy sauce, mirin and water.
3. Boil 2 till the broth is gone.
4. Topping -A- is done. Next step is -B-.
5. Beat and mix with sugar in a bowl.
6. Make scrambled eggs in the other pan.
7. Topping -B- is done.
8. Serve steamed rice in a indidisual bowl first, then put -A- on a half of rice, and -B- on the rest of the rice.
9. Say "Itadaki-masu".