INGREDIENTS (for four people)
·4 slices of pork steak meat
·200g (1/4 lb) flour
·200g (1/4 lb) breadcrumbs
·5 eggs
·3 cups cooked rice
·3 cups vegetable oil

·3 tbsps sugar
·1 tbsp sake (or white wine)
·4 tbsps soy sauce
·1½ cups soup stock (if you do not have it, use water)

1. Beat an egg in a bowl.
2. Cover each meat with flour, and then put it into the beaten egg. Cover meat with breadcrumbs.
3. Heat oil to 180°C (350°F) in a deep pan.
4. Place meat carefully into the hot oil. When they puff up, turn them over and remove from the oil. Place them on a rack to drain.
5. Cut cooked meat into 4 or 5 to eat easily.
6. Boil sauce in a shallow pan.
7. Add 4 beaten eggs and cover with a lid until egg is half cooked. Then turn off the heat.
8. Put cooked rice in individual bowls and put meats on rice and top with 7.
9. Say "Itadaki masu."