INGREDIENTS (for four people)
· 100g hamburger (beef or pork)
· 3 medium size potatoes
· 1 onion
· seasoned salt
· salt and pepper
· 700ml oil
· 2 medium size eggs
· 400g breadcrumbs

1. Make the mash potato. Mince a onion.
2. Cook hamburger, minced onion with seasoned salt, and salt and pepper.
3. Mix 1 and 2, then cool it down.
4. Make 1.5cm thick round like a clenched fist size, but 1.5cm thick. You can make more than four, can't you?
5. Cover the balls, which you made at4, with flour, and egg then breadcrumbs. You have to keep this order.
6. Heat oil to 180°C in a deep pan.
7. Place balls carefully into the hot oil. When they puff up, turn it.
8. Remove from the oil and place on a rack to drain.
9. Say "Itadaki masu."