INGREDIENTS (for four people)
- 3 cups rice (mochi-rice is better)
- 4 pieces chinese black mushroom
- 1 can (200g) bamboo shoots
- 120g hamburger (pork)
- 1/3 carrot
- 2 cups water
- 2 tbsps soy sauce
- 1 tsp salt
- little sugar and sake
- 2 tbsps oil
1. Cut mushroom, bamboo shoots and carrot into very small pieces.
2. Put oil in a pan.
3. Fry rice, mushroom, bamboo shoots, hamburger and carrot.
4. After 3. drained in a pan, wrap about 1 cup of 3. with a alminum paper. Wrap all separately. You man make about 4 balls.
5. Steam 4.with water, soy sauce, salt, sugar and sake for 20-40 minutes.
6. Say `Itadaki-masu.`